galston community news

There’s An App For That… Splitting Bills….

Splitting Bills

Well, it is always interesting trying to work out new apps to share with you. A friend made a suggestion for the Splitwise App and to be honest I can’t believe I hadn’t discovered it earlier. So often when we travel or just go to dinner with friends, we find ourselves paying the bill for […]

“Lynnes Legs”

Lynnes Legs

By Lynne Newey Peebles trail end peebles road, fiddletown, very easy, very pleasant just over 1 hr., 6.26 km. Return. Drive north on Arcadia Road until you come to Cobah Road on the left. Drive until you reach Nollands Road, turn left, then not far down turn right into Peebles Road. Drive all the way […]

Hidden In The Hills Rock Formations

Hills Rock

By Lachlan Turner As you descend into bushland valleys along the many walking tracks in the Hills region, the presence of large rock formations becomes quite obvious. Grey weathered sandstone bluffs are interspersed with wind eroded hollows resembling small caves. Water too has a defining influence on the sculpting of these rocky overhangs. The continual […]

Competition Finally Returns To Galston Equestrian Club

By Emma Heath While we’ve been lucky to hold several dressage clinics and protocol days this year, we’ve not been so fortunate on the competition front – with weather and pesky pandemic forcing us to cancel our planned dressage events. Happily, this changed on Sunday 11 October, when we held our first (and only!) Members’ […]

Expansion Of National Park Estate

By Matt Kean Every month I enjoy reading the Galston, Glenorie & Hills Community News to find out what is happening in our local area. We have some amazing groups from the Men’s Shed to the Rural Fire Services to our local sporting clubs, all filled with dedicated volunteers giving back to our community. I […]

Rural Round Up

Rural Round Up

By Councilor Warren Waddell It is hard to imagine that we are already approaching Christmas and the holiday season. Hopefully there is a well-earned break ahead for us all as we put behind us one of the most testing years on record. Storms, bushfires, COVID 19 and other unforeseen budget shocks have certainly kept Council […]

Northconnex… A Great End To A Challenging Year

Challenging Year

By Julian Leeser I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas. This year has been incredibly challenging, however we have plenty of reason for optimism. While many people have lost their jobs through this pandemic, many of those have now resumed work again. Our cafes are open, […]

Galston Concerts Musica Viva Links

Musica Viva

With Christmas, New Year and summer looming The Galston Concerts team are planning a great 2021 line-up of post- COVID Classics from leading professionals performing in Galston Uniting Church. Next Gen talents including national prize-winners resident in the Hills and Hornsby area will also ‘spotlight’ in programs through next year – if postpandemic health trends […]

Upgrades Coming At The Centre

Long awaited upgrades to the floor surface are happening at The Centre, Dural! The older courts are being upgraded to international grade Taraflex product to enable premium play for everyone. The floor upgrades will also allow for an increase in court size to enable more high quality futsal games to be played at the same […]

Galston Public School

Public School, Australian Education Awards

As the end of the school year draws near, Galston Public School students have been engaged in many activities such as Book Character Dress Up day (where students dressed up as their favourite book characters with the theme ‘Curious Creatures Wild Minds); Mufti Day Fundraiser for Westmead Children’s Hospital which raised $321 for this very […]