galston community news
By Councilor Warren Waddell

It is hard to imagine that we are already approaching Christmas and the holiday season. Hopefully there is a well-earned break ahead for us all as we put behind us one of the most testing years on record. Storms, bushfires, COVID 19 and other unforeseen budget shocks have certainly kept Council on its toes.

Despite these challenges I would like to assure the community that all essential services and strategies continued to be delivered.

COVID 19 in particular has really reinforced our efforts in respect to outdoor activities.

This past year has seen:
– The completion of the 25 000 tree planting program
– The improvement of our parks and playing fields to better meet community needs
– Re-instating scheduled verge slashing on rural roads
– Outdoor gym equipment for Galston reserve
– New insulated picnic shed roof for Galston reserve
– The progression of new roof and facility upgrade for Galston Aquatic Centre
– Identifying footpath upgrades and opportunities for cycling

Current discussion: – Council is about to exhibit plans for increased off-leash dog walking facilities, including at Fagan’s Park.

– A new library will be required for Galston to better meet the needs of the broader rural community. Where will it go and how will we pay for it?

So in the meantime, I would like to thank the community for their patience as we continue to work through the many strategies necessary to guide Council into the future. I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous, safe New Year.

To keep across current issues and to have your say, keep an eye on the Council website Otherwise, visit the Council chambers or one of our libraries for details.

As always, I’m happy to discuss these or any other issues at any time. Contact me via email on [email protected] or phone 0499 004 861 at any time.

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