galston community news

About Us


The Galston Glenorie & Hills Rural Community News is a combination of several original community papers.

The original Galston Gazette started in 1968.  It was formed by the local Progress Association at Galston.  Members included Bill Folkard, John Kars, Ken & Caryl Turnidge, Bob Stephens, Charlie Rogers (who had recently been elected to Hornsby Council), Irene Rogers and Ruth Chiswell.

This group decided to start a small local newspaper named the Galston Gazette. David Chivers of Crosslands Road, Galston was the first printer.

The Progress Association and the Galston Gazette changed hands at the next Annual General Meeting – it moved to the management of The Galston Chamber of Commerce. At the same time, the paper changed its name to the Galston & District News.

In 2000 a new community paper started in Glenorie, called The Glenorian run by David Bevan of Daveprint.

In February 2008, the Galston Chamber of Commerce renamed its paper to  The Hills Rural News and changed its format from 2 colour, to full colour and changed its focus from Galston, to the wider Hills areas including the rural areas.

In early 2009 a new community paper was formed called The Galston Community News, run by Diana and Andrew Paton of Adelphi Design & Print.

In 2010, David Bevan retired from printing The Glenorian due to ill health.  The Galston Community News then changed its name to The Galston & Glenorie Community News.

In January 2012 the Hills Rural Chamber (formerly The Galston Chamber of Commerce) amalgamated its Hills Rural News into the Galston & Glenorie Community News, thereby providing only one community paper to cover the acreage areas of Galston, Glenorie and Dural.  This paper is published by Adelphi Design & Print and called the Galston Glenorie & Hills Rural Community News.
