galston community news

$100 million for Hornsby Residents

Matt Kean MP, Hornsby Shire Mayor Philip Ruddock and Geoff Knowles, President of Thornleigh Thunder at the Westleigh waterboard site.

I am pleased to announce I have secured funding of $100 million to start the process to compensate the Hornsby Shire for changed council boundaries. This is a massive win for the entire community and will see that no Hornsby resident is worse off due to failed council amalgamations. The money will include $50 million […]

Rural Roundup

The most dominant issue on Council’s agenda is still the budget implications brought about by the loss of territory to the City of Parramatta during the amalgamation process. We have had some good news recently with the NSW Government’s announcement of $90 million in compensation, which will go towards the rehabilitation of Hornsby Quarry and […]

Galston Rural Fire Brigade News

Horse rescue Galston’s finest firies were called to assist with the rescue of a horse trapped in a local creek. Galston RFB worked with FRNSW brigades from Castle Hill and Blacktown, and a Horse Rescue expert from Hawkesbury SES. We provided extra hands and assistance pumping water. The horse was eventually pulled to safety. Great […]

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

Recruitment We are currently recruiting for new members to join the Brigade. With more people moving in to the area the needs of the community are increasing and we need members to be able to assist when we are called. We are especially interested in those people who are new to the area, as the […]

Arcadia is Getting Ready

The Get Ready Weekend is nearly upon us, and Arcadia has been busily planning an informative, inclusive, and exciting day for the residents of Arcadia and its surrounds. We will be opening up our station from 11am on September 22nd, where we will be engaging with our locals on the bush fire hazards and risks […]

Middle Dural Rural Fire Brigade News

One of the Brigade’s ongoing issues concerns pile burning. Our members are happy to help residents with those piles, if they need assistance. However, their contents are frequently frustrating, particularly if a machine has been used to push the material together. Not in The Hills Shire, not in Hornsby Shire, nowhere across this wide brown […]

Galston Equestrian Club – so many choices of things to do!

Enjoying the show jumping

On Sunday 24th June, we ran our first show jumping competition for the year. The morning started out very chilly with frost on the ground, but turned into a beautiful winter’s day. Forty one riders turned out to jump the course which was judged by Jenny Neil, a level 2 show jump judge who often […]

Amelie is a public speaking winner!

Arcadia Public School students Sophie, Aurora, Noah and Amelie spoke out in July at the area final of the NSW Department of Education Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition with Amelie taking top place in the Year 5 and 6 final! Congratulations Amelie! She now moves to the Regional finals with the State competition well in […]

Northholm Junior School’s Athletics Carnival

2018 Student Leaders-Junior School House Captains

It is always exciting when our beautiful school community comes together and the Junior School’s Athletic Carnival last term was one of those occasions. The new House tents, purchased from funds raised by students at the Fun Run component of the Cross Country Carnival, were fabulous and the atmosphere had a very positive vibe. We […]