galston community news

Galston Equestrian Club – so many choices of things to do!

On Sunday 24th June, we ran our first show jumping competition for the year. The morning started out very chilly with frost on the ground, but turned into a beautiful winter’s day. Forty one riders turned out to jump the course which was judged by Jenny Neil, a level 2 show jump judge who often judges for the club. A huge thank you to Jenny for her friendly and positive approach to our jumping days. These days are not just for our members, we invite EA members too, and on this day we saw about half of the riders being non-GEC members. Thank you to all the riders for their safe riding, it certainly looked like they all had a very enjoyable day. A massive thank you to the key organisers and all the volunteers that turned up to help. The committee can only run successful days like this with lots of help from our members. These days are made all the more fun for the riders with the very generous prizes that are donated by our sponsors. Coprice/Nutririce who have been very long-term sponsors of our club, likewise Horseland Dural who continue to support our club at many of our events during the year, and to Leonie Warner for her prizes of Joint Performance.

The Galston Equestrian Club hosted another equine nutrition evening with Sophie Fletcher on 28 June 2018 with particular attention paid to feeding the laminitic horse. We were lucky also to be debriefed on the fabulous nutrition, low starch benefits of teff hay, and the most recent hype in the media on the topic. Sophie has a great deal of up-to-date science-based knowledge which benefits all the horses in our community. Thank you, Sophie, for an informative talk.

Sunday 8th July was very busy at GEC! We had an excellent line up of instructors helping our riders.

Paul Cairns was good enough to instruct GEC members at another Légèreté training day (French Classical Dressage) at the Galston Equestrian Club. Once again we have excellence in our very own backyard on display. French Classical Dressage is just a lighter softer way of training dressage and all horses benefit from the techniques Paul Cairns teaches. We have 2 more training days to do this year. Bring them on!

Tana Subotic ran the ever popular Poles and Grids. Both horses and riders learnt confidence and technique over poles and small jumps which is a fantastic gymnastic workout. Everyone had fun as always and learnt so much. Thanks Tana, for your wonderful instructing.

We also had from the Southern Highlands (but originally from Arcadia), Mel Parbery giving flatwork lessons. It was great to see each student progress so well within the lesson. Mel is a very experienced instructor and both horses and riders gained valuable information, from their lessons, to take away and use. Thanks Mel, for travelling to us. Everyone had a great time and really appreciated your valuable input.

As usual, please check our Facebook page and our website for all up-to-date information on all our events. Visit http://www.

J&C Rando_trades