Citizen science in action in our community

Citizen Science has been alive and well in Glenorie for many years. One of the really valuable tools for this has been Streamwatch run by Sydney Water. This has enabled school children and community through the Glenorie Environment Centre to work together using credible, objective scientific methods to identify water quality issues and, with the […]
Rotary Club of Dural Celebrated its 50th Anniversary

The Rotary Club of Dural celebrated its 50th Anniversary on Friday 23rd June at Dural Country Club. Guest of honour was Ben Swane AM, who was the foundation President of Dural Rotary in 1967. Ben spoke about the history and formation of Dural Rotary Club, its longevity over its 50 years of service to the […]
Arcadia Rural Fire Brigade News
It has been an exciting year so far for Arcadia Rural Fire Brigade! The brigades 76-year history has seen the brigades foundations being created and with 2017 being no different. At our recent AGM, we saw a mixture of new and existing members take up vital positions that will see the brigade strengthen and grow […]
Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans Launched
Eleven regional strategic weed management plans were launched to safeguard the state against the threat of weeds. The plans were developed using a tenure neutral approach to weed management by 11 Regional Weed Committees to support implementation of the weeds components of the Biosecurity Act 2015. The Regional Weed Committees comprised government agencies, local control […]
Barakee Pottery Open Studio Weekend, Glenorie 19th and 20th of August 2017
As part of the annual Australian Ceramics Open Studio Weekend, Barakee Pottery studio is opening its doors once again this year. Situated amongst extensive cottage gardens on a beautiful property surrounded by bush, you will find local potter Ruth Fugar’s Studio brimming with unique, handmade pottery available for purchase. Ruth is a ceramic artis/potter who […]
Bloodwood-Peebles: Road Ride
This out and back route is one of the best road rides in the area. Start from Galston Village, or Andy’s Cafe on Arcadia Road. What makes this ride so good, is that once you have ridden up Cobah Road to Northolm Grammar, (1km climb) both Bloodwood and Peebles Roads follow ridgelines and are gently […]
Galston CWA News
Thank you to all those who participated in our Kokedama workshop- Kokedama translated from Japanese means “moss ball”, it is a form of bonsai. We will be selling some of our work at the elections being held on September 9th at Galston Public School. We currently have some trauma teddies for hospitals that are knitted […]
Berowra Creek Pollution
The BDCA have been working with key stakeholders such as our local Members of Parliament, Hornsby Shire Council, Sydney Water, EPA and National Parks to improve water quality in Berowra Creek and to inform users of the risk when polluted. The BDCA commissioned an independent report that showed significant pollution issues in Berowra Creek, some […]
The Flavour of Winter
In winter, my tastebuds gravitate to the rich, comforting flavours that emerge from foods enriched with herbs from the garden. Few can resist a simmering stew enlivened by a few scrubby sprigs of thyme, or, golden pumpkin roasted with the sweet spiciness of fresh bay leaves. Enhance your winter fare today with the magic of […]
Arcadian Quilters Inc news
Over the last few news issues we have been showing photos of quilts donated to the Aussie Hero coordinator for distribution to service men and women. So far nearly 8,000 (yes eight thousand) quilts have been given made by Quilters from all over Australia. Also some 14,000 laundry bags have been made by groups country […]