Go to girl: What is the benefit of doing high intensity exercise versus pilates?

Go to Girl response; Exercise variety in general can maximise your health and reduce your risk of injury. On the flip side focusing on one modality at a time can enhance your sport specific performance. HITT Training has become a trend this year. With the promise of faster weight loss and toning at shorter intervals. […]

Northholm Grammar school Year 11 leadership students Ella Cotrona, Emma Mercieca and Ciaran Dyson have made it their mission to do their part in the fight against the sexual trafficking and exploitation of children. They have a line up of charity events over the coming months to raise funds which go directly to Destiny Rescue, […]
HILLSIDE students STEAMING ahead!
The students and staff are looking forward to fully utilising the repurposed classroom, when school resumes for Term 2. The room will be utilised as a dedicated Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) space. The staff spent many hours, during the recent school holidays, refitting and organising the space, so that all students will […]
The ANZAC Project at Galston High School
With Anzac Day approaching and as part of Galston High School’s commitment to commemorating the service and sacrifice of Australians who have served in conflict, five students – Mei-Lin Meyers, Maddy Morris, Bowen Copeland, Theo Marlow and India Dalton – have documented the life stories and service histories of two retired servicemen from Rowland Village. […]
Recognising Excellence in our Community
Making a positive difference for others is what exceptional school and community members do. The NSW Department of Education Executive Director, Excellence Awards recognise and acknowledge outstanding contributions in school communities and on April 11, Mr Peter Jones, was honoured at a ceremony celebrating his incredible community spirit. Peter was Arcadia Public School P&C President […]
News from Galston Early Learning Centre
Over the next few weeks we are reviewing our centre’s philosophy statement. After deep discussion into how we are going to review the document, we have decided that we need to make sure that our children’s voices are being heard first and foremost. So over the past week we have started to ask our children […]
International Frank Ifield Spur Award
The presentation of this years “Spur” Award was held at Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL club on March 14, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Galston and Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL. The main artists at the Bob Howe organised Canterbury Country night were previous winners of the International Frank Ifield Spur Award. These were the […]
World Music for Galston
A world of music will visit The Galston Concerts on Sunday 26 May starting 2pm in Galston Uniting Church, 11 School Rd, Galston. Exotic-sounding ‘firsts’ for the series will include accordionist Amelia Granturco and an ensemble with Russian male voice from the Sydney Balalaika Orchestra – rousing finales to each half of a multi-cultural ‘show’. […]
Still Creek Landcare – Planting Native Plants in Autumn
Planting native plants on your property is rewarding and can be a lot of fun, particularly when done with friends or family. In this area, autumn is generally the best time, as it gives the plant time to establish itself before the next summer. As we had recent rains, now is a great time to […]
If you’re looking for that special plant, why not check out the exquisite and rare bromeliads available from local and interstate growers on sale during the Bromeliad Society of Australia’s Autumn Show at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 11 May between 9-4pm and Sunday, 12 May between 10-3pm. Check out some of […]