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Northholm Grammar school Year 11 leadership students Ella Cotrona, Emma Mercieca and Ciaran Dyson have made it their mission to do their part in the fight against the sexual trafficking and exploitation of children. They have a line up of charity events over the coming months to raise funds which go directly to Destiny Rescue, their nominated Charity.

Destiny Rescue is an internationally-recognized non-profit organisation dedicated to rescuing children trapped in the sex trade. It’s vision is to rescue the sexually exploited and enslaved, restore the abused, protect the vulnerable, empower the poor and be a voice for those who can’t speak up for themselves.

Destiny rescue operates various programs in Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, Dominican Republic and India. And has offices in three donor nations: United States, Australia and New Zealand.

On Saturday 30th March three very brave Northholm students (Ella Cotrona, Emma Mercieca – Year 11 and Sienna Arena-Milne- Year 8) completed the Freefall for Freedom Fundraiser jumping from an airplane at 15000 feet in a tandem skydive. They raised over $4000 which will go directly towards restoration projects to assist rescued children in producing a sustainable income for themselves and their families.

The local community are eagerly getting behind this Northholm Charity initiative, offering support, sponsorship, donations and hosting fundraising events. Special thanks and recognition goes to Galston IGA for hosting and providing all supplies for 5 Community BBQ’s (13/4, 4/5, 25/5, 15/6) and Bunnings Dural for also hosting a BBQ (14/4) and Mothers Day Cake Stall (11/5).

The BIG FINALE of fundraising is a Masquerade Dinner on 22nd June being held at The Galston Club. This will be a sellout event with entertainment, raffles and an element of surprise. There is a Lucky Door Prize for the BEST masquerade mask. Tickets are on sale now and include dinner; $40 for adult and $35 student ($15 and $10 respectively donated to DR). Organise a table of 10 and receive a prize balloon on the night. To purchase tickets go to:

This wonderful event has received the support of Bendigo Bank Galston who have made a $500 donation towards a travel voucher and Goodies Bakery who has come on board again this year as a major sponsor to support the Northholm students.

Businesses or individuals wishing to support this event by way of providing raffle prizes, donations or sponsorship can contact Angela Arena, NSW Business Development Manager for Destiny Rescue on 0419 109 120. All sponsors and donors will receive special mention and recognition at the event.

George's Garden Maintenance