galston community news

Middle Dural school welcomes an exciting 2017!

Imagine a school where your child didn’t fly under the radar, was treated and heard for their individual needs. Bullying didn’t even really happen as all teachers have time to deal with behavior. Your child had a sense of belonging and felt like they were always heard and cared for. Walking in the gates of […]

News from KU Galston Preschool

What a busy start to the year! Over the last few weeks we have enjoyed welcoming new and familiar faces to preschool. The children have been getting to know each other, the educators and getting used to their new routines and becoming familiar with the preschool environment. It is so lovely to see them engaged […]

News from Uniting Care Galston Early Learning Centre

We have had a positive start to the year, welcoming back our previous families as well as getting to know our new families that started in January. Due to the extreme weather conditions over the past couple of weeks, the children have spent many days inside engaging in interest based group projects. Currently the children […]

Galston Public School

2017 Galston Public School students are settling into school very nicely. The two kindergarten classes of KW and KB are making smooth transitions into ‘BIG’ school and many have made new friends already. The Student Representative Council leaders have also been elected. These representatives are keenly looking forward to representing their respective class and also […]

Glenorie Public School News

Glenorie Public has already started on many exciting things for 2017. On Wednesday the 1st February we welcomed our 39 new kinder children for 2017. All of our Kindergartens arrived with smiling faces ready to start the year. Our year six buddies helped our kindies to make new friends, have fun and learn all about […]

Spot the Eel

Two key messages have resonated as we launched into another fantastic year of learning at Arcadia Public School – Respect and Leadership. The year has just begun but students have been fortunate to enjoy listening to and working with powerful role models both in and outside their school environment. We’re extremely proud to announce our […]

Monday Walks and Talks at Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden

The first term of the Monday Walks and Talks at Kuring- gai Wildflower Garden, 420 Mona Vale Road, St Ives commences on March 6th with an Introductory Talk and Walk in Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden led by Alec Fisher. The KWG is intriguingly interesting both in its history and its diversity of native plants in their […]

Galston Garden Club

Welcome back to Galston Garden Club 2017! Our February meeting started with a well-attended AGM where all the Executive positions were filled. Our President Mark Sutherland-Harris welcomed everyone back, especially those who had joined during the Christmas break and informed us that our club numbers had grown throughout the past year. He encouraged all to […]