galston community news

Winter – 5 Tips to Take Care of Yourself During the Winter Months

1. Keep Warm
It is important that you get outdoors for some natural light for at least 10 minutes a day, so rug up and keep warm. Make the effort to go for a short walk, when the sun is peeking out!


2. Get More Rest
We need to get 7 – 8 hours sleep a night, so have an early night and snuggle up in bed. There’s nothing wrong with a short daytime nap in front of fire either!

3. Good Nutrition
Use Grandma’s Chicken Soup recipe and make a big pot. Add lots of vegies to get needed vitamins and minerals. Enjoy the vegetables and fruits that are in season. Make sure you keep up your water intake, and your skin will thank you!

4. Exercise Your Mind
Winter is a great time, when we are indoors more, to learn a new skill, take up a hobby, read, play board games with friends, learn new computer skills, have some ‘me-time’, challenge yourself with new recipes, plan a holiday, learn to knit…. the possibilities are endless!

5. Go Somewhere Warm and Sunny!
Longing for a holiday in the sun? Make a corner of your garden into a ‘retreat’. Choose a sunny spot that is sheltered from the wind, a comfy chair, a hot cup of tea and a good book – you will feel like you have been away!
