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Technology Tips for Seniors

Technology is incredibly helpful in the lives of many senior Australians, but developing the skills and confidence to master their smart devices can prove challenging.

Here are some helpful tips:

1 Be Password Smart. When using the internet, choose a strong password that only you will know. Use special characters and symbols and consider using longer words strung together.

2 Keep Your Antivirus Software Up To Date. If you don’t already have antivirus and spam protection software installed on your computer, consider downloading it. Also, make sure that the software and apps on your devices are updated to the latest versions for added protection.

3 Use Secure Wi-Fi Networks. Avoid using public WiFi to do your online banking or anything else that involves entering your credit card or banking details.

4 Think Before Sharing on Social Media. Review your privacy settings and be careful about the information hat you share. Check the Settings menu so you control things like who can see what you post on Facebook and who can contact you.

5 Make Secure Payments Online. Where possible, use your credit card to pay for things online. When purchasing goods online, try to stick to retailers you are familiar with.

Source: BE connected.
The eSafety Commissioner regularly hosts free webinar presentations to help older Australians stay safer online. Go to

SUE BUCKLE is the Director of Just Better Care Hills to Hornsby. Call 9484 8788 to find out how Just Better Care can support you to live independently at home.
