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Accessories for A Mobility Scooter

A mobility scooter enhances the independence of its user. It opens up possibilities for someone with limited or restricted mobility.

We talked about how to select the most appropriate mobility equipment, how to use a mobility scooter for the safety of the user and the community and other related topics. Let us review the most commonly used accessories for a mobility scooter.

A scooter Flag is a must for every scooter as it improves the visibility of mobility equipment as they are out in the public or private space. Using a flag ensures that the mobility scooter is safe not just for its user but also for the general public.

You can fix a Bag or Basket either in front or rear of the scooter. The size and type will largely depend on the size of the scooter and the user’s requirement.

A canopy to shield the user from the sun and the light showers is another must-have accessory for a scooter.

In most of the standard non-portable scooters, a side view mirror is a regular feature. Other commonly used accessories are: Walking stick holder, Walker Carrier, Crutch holder, bottle and phone holder, Trailer, Oxygen Tank Holder, Golf Bag Carrier and even Wheely Bin carrier. A Pet Carrier is another innovative solution that fulfils the individual need of a mobility scooter user.

Please visit for more information or for a test drive

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