galston community news

By Nev The Newshound

This month I was sent to interview our very own Editor’s Pets @ Work, Office Australian Cats PB and Savannah of Arcadia.

Nev: Hi Girls. I am getting a bit of a ‘nepotism’ vibe here with this interview.

PB & S: Yes you are probably right there, but we don’t care, we want our photos in the magazine.

Nev: So what exactly do you do for our illustrious Editor?

PB & S: Well we give her LOADS of support, inspo and of course, company, as she works primarily from home.

Nev: Any perks?

PB & S: Yup. Heaps. We get lots of snacks, pats and she is always around to open and shut the door as we decide whether we want to be in or out.

Nev: Downsides?

PB & S: We don’t like getting yelled at when we walk on top of the laptop keyboard.

Nev: Are you on the Magazine payroll?

PB & S: No we are not, but we are working on that. We may have to have a chat with the Thurlow Fisher Doggos to get some legal advice.

If you would like your Pet @ Work interviewed by Nev, please email: [email protected] with NEV in the subject line.

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