galston community news

Galston Girl Guide Offered a Position on Girl Guides Youth Advisory Committee

Galston Girl Guide

By Mary Falvey Mellica has been an active member of Galston Girl Guides for 3 and 1/2 years. Galston Girl Guides is a place for girls to learn important life skills to help them in their future, to build self-confidence and develop their voice so their viewpoints are heard. Mellica was recently interviewed for a […]

In Loving Memory of Elio Canderle

Elio Canderle

By Jeanette & Grahame Foster 29th August 1931-30th April 2022 Elio Canderle was born in Valli del Pasubio, Vincenza Province, Italy to Gelindo Canderle and Regina Ronchi. Elio’s father, Gelindo Canderle had been in Australia since 1924, working as a gardener on the Euromo property in Tully, Queensland. Elio Canderle married Regina in Valli del […]

Celebrating 30 Years Of Business

Celebrating 30 Years Of Business

Andy and Sonja Cameron began operations in June 1992, located in Arcadia, North-West of Sydney. Celebrating 30 years of business in 2022, they are forever indebted to the horticultural community, customers, staff, suppliers and community members for their continued support, inspiration and friendship over the past 30 years. The journey has been amazing and they […]

Does The CWA Need A Makeover?

CWA Galston

As celebrations wrap up after our 100th year birthday month, a conversation we had to have at the state conference was whether to amend or axe references to God and the monarchy in the opening lines of the CWA Galston’s famous state motto, recited at meetings across the state since 1922. ‘Honour to God, Loyalty […]

1st Dural Venturers Snow Hike

1st Dural Venturers

By Ian Mcarthur The 1st Dural Venturers spent part of the school holidays challenging the elements of Snowy Mountains on a four-day camp/hike. The trip started with a bus trip to Kosciuszko Park where they set up their own tents. Hikes included to Mt Perisher and Rainbow Lake. Also, a visit to Ikea on the […]