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James Wallace MP

Celebrating 30 Years Of Business

Andy and Sonja Cameron began operations in June 1992, located in Arcadia, North-West of Sydney.

Celebrating 30 years of business in 2022, they are forever indebted to the horticultural community, customers, staff, suppliers and community members for their continued support, inspiration and friendship over the past 30 years.

The journey has been amazing and they are incredibly grateful for how the business has evolved.

When opening the nursery in 1992, they quickly discovered that primary production has many opportunities but just as many challenges. Beginning with start-up capital of just $5,000, and as first-generation farmers, they initially worked very long hours. As the business grew, they started to employ staff and expanded rapidly during the 1990s. The nursery initially specialised in perennials, and other key lines were added to the business’s offer as the business grew.

A most precious resource for our business is water, which ran dry twice in the first six years of operations. Recognising that they were wasting this resource, they began researching our options to save water.

They soon discovered that few choices were available at the time, so they had to innovate to survive. This research, followed by trials, led us to develop a watering system that saved us 75% of water use per year. The whole-farm design and water recycling have seen us recognised as industry leaders, with the business winning many prestigious awards.

Sonja Cameron and Brad Brown

In 2000, they moved to a purpose-built site focusing on water recycling, industry best practice (NIASA) and sustainable business practices. The build was ambitious, and at the time, NSW entered into the millennium drought and, as a result, they experienced harsh trading conditions. As conditions normalised, the considerations in the early design phase of the site enabled the business to grow, as there was a plan in place.

Our philosophy on sustainability underpins a long-term strategy within the business, which is embedded into the business’s values. Adopting an environmental responsibility has enabled our business to assist in the conservation of the earth’s limited resources and protect our local biodiversity.

This commitment is evident throughout the business practices, including integrated pest management, water recycling, waste reduction, recycling, reuse, and green procurement practices. As the influence of climate change continues to develop and impact, our focus is on selecting new world-class genetics that performs for gardeners in our ever-changing environment.

Reflecting on the early days, many business owners mentored and supported us, perhaps unknowingly. They were very thankful for their generosity in time and knowledge. Therefore, giving back to future generations is important to our business by having a work environment for our employees that provides personal development, learning opportunities and career advancement.

This culture encourages our team, which comprises fantastic people with diverse skills and a passion for the industry. Cohesive and enthusiastic employees are critical to the business operating successfully.

Camerons Nursery celebrates its diversity, innovation, and sustainability over the past 30 years. They look forward to a future that continues to introduce technology and build opportunities for the business, customers, and employees.

Focusing on delivering new genetics and plant selection that perform in Australian conditions for our range of customers, including the retail, landscaping, designers and commercial projects. Our knowledge and expertise continue to improve, as does our journey through the fantastic world of horticulture.

Celebrating 30 Years Of Business
