galston community news

Jubes Springs Back!

Jubes Springs

By Susanna Mills jubes From derelict wasteland to a community-directed outdoor asset… Early in 2021, an awfully familiar ‘cycle’ was being repeated around North Wahroonga- namely the demolishment of a staggering 34 dirt bicycle tracks & jumps built by local kids and parents who committed the ‘cardinal sin’ of riding their bicycles in the hectares […]

Navigating the pandemic together, the Northholm Way


A return to school for Term 3 last month meant a return to remote learning. The nation, and the world, has been through a lot since the beginning of the COVID pandemic but time again we have found ways to come together and continue to appreciate and rely on each other. At Northholm Grammar, we […]

Why I like Hillside Public School


During Learning from Home, we asked our younger students what they liked about attending Hillside Public School. Here are their answers: Isla: I like Hillside because there are nice kids and teachers. I also like the sport we all play together. Kayla: I like that it is not crowded, and you can find your way […]

Covid No Hindrance to Community Service

Community Service

By Craig Hingston Mission, and community service, are a foundational part of our culture at Pacific Hills which is why we are keen to continue is despite lockdown and social distancing. Residents of Anglicare’s Flinders Village enjoyed a unique experience when they “met with” our Year 5 and 6 students and Principal, Dr Ted Boyce, […]

Galston High School – Book Week is Here!

Galston High School

Galston High School celebrated one of the high points of its school calendar, Book Week, in Week 7 (Monday 23-Friday 27 August) from home this year, but that will not make it any less fun! As always, Galston High School celebrates a culture of literacy and life-long reading through various activities and competitions every day […]

Black Spot Program Funds Set to Save Lives in Berowra

Black Spot

Contributed by Julian Leeser Residents of the Berowra electorate have received a major road safety boost with the Australian Government announcing it will invest $2,016,000 toward two projects under the 2021–22 Black Spot Program. Federal Member for Berowra Julian Leeser said community input was critical to identifying key black spots in the electorate. “Road crashes […]

Thank you to our Local Schools

WestInvest Funding Matt Kean mp Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Galston Gorge HSC Booster lockdown Hornsby, Grand Openings, NSW Government Local News

Contributed by Matt Kean lockdown  My office has received a huge volume of correspondence as Sydney was placed into lockdown to stop the spread of COVID-19. In the most part there have been questions about the restrictions but one email has stood out. It was from Mr Richard Marsh of Galston. He wanted to tell […]

Rural Round Up -about Wisemans Ferry

Wisemans Ferry

Contributed by Councilor Warren Waddell Some good news for Wisemans Ferry! After the devastating impact of recent floods, it is great to see the next stage of renewal works go on public exhibition. The Wisemans Ferry Master plan represents a long-term vision for the recreation reserve that began with the construction of a new boat […]

Get those Lawns Ready……it is Warming Up


Now that the weather is warming up and we move to our outdoor areas, it’s the perfect time to take a good look at our lawns. There is no better feeling than soft grass under your feet especially when it is green and weed-free. Whether the children are playing on the lawn or you are […]

Silky Needle Bush

Silky Needle Bush

By Lachlan Turner When venturing along walking tracks in our local bushland it is always a pleasant surprise to come across an unexpected wildflower. One of the more noticeable and abundant varieties during cooler months would be the Silky Needle Bush (Hakea sericea). This attractive spreading, open shrub may grow up to 3m high in […]