galston community news

Rural Round Up -about Wisemans Ferry

Contributed by Councilor Warren Waddell

Some good news for Wisemans Ferry! After the devastating impact of recent floods, it is great to see the next stage of renewal works go on public exhibition.

The Wisemans Ferry Master plan represents a long-term vision for the recreation reserve that began with the construction of a new boat ramp and associated parking.

The next stage proposes resurfacing of the tennis courts, renewal of the children’s playground, new paving and associated signage.

As funding becomes available, stage two will include picnic shelters, seating, shade trees and a circuit path that includes fitness and activity stations. To comment on the proposal go to

Tenders have also gone out for the proposed upgrade to the Galston Aquatic centre. The successful tenderer should begin work in the coming months. The works once underway will impact the operations of the centre and the Council will communicate as early as possible about how this will impact users.

I have been pleased to receive many positive calls and emails in regards to drainage and vegetation works. It seems our planned return to scheduled maintenance and preventative approaches to stormwater and road maintenance is having an impact. I encourage all rural residents to acknowledge the work of our crew when they see them out and about. They really appreciate hearing from the residents and are only too happy to help.

Residents may also have noticed an increased level of back burning. After considerable collaboration with rural landowners, RFS representatives and the relevant stakeholders that form part of this process, priority has been given to a number of locations throughout the rural area. Wisemans Ferry

I have attended several ratepayer associations such as Glenorie Progress Association and the Arcadia Galston Residents Association. These forums provide excellent opportunities for residents to pass on any issues that may be overlooked. It is helpful if an item requiring attention has the support of the broader community and the subject of discussion when seeking a resolution.

Wisemans Ferry

I am happy to be contacted on Ph. 0499 004 861 or email [email protected] 

Northside washer service