galston community news

Rural Round Up

Rural Round Up

By Councilor Warren Waddell This month will include Graffiti Removal Day. On 28 March volunteers will come together to help remove unwanted graffiti from sites throughout our community. Graffiti has a negative impact on our public amenities so Council policy is to promptly remove all graffiti reported on Council assets. However, if you wish to […]

Hillside Public School Students’ Learning Enhanced by New Touch Screens

Touch Screens

By Julian Leeser Hillside Public School has purchased 2 state-of-the-art 70” glass touch screen panels with the aid of a Local School Community Fund grant from the Australian Government. The touch screens have been installed in 2 classrooms and are a great addition to the school, enabling teachers to make lessons more interactive for students. […]

Dural County Club Bowling Club

Bowling Club

Jack Attack Season 2 was Ace! Dural Country Club Bowling Club’s second season of Jack Attack was played in February, with 8 teams taking part. Lots of laughter was heard on the greens, alongside deliberations over when to implement the Power Play in order to score double points. The winning team was the ‘Dural Jems’ […]

Galston Netball Club News

Galston Netball Club

Galston Netball Club and its community would like to recognise the efforts and success of some of its senior players. The Galston A1 team competes in the highest grade within the HDNA competition (Hills District Netball Association). A huge congratulation for the success that they have had over the 2019 & 2020 seasons, and so […]

STEM in Junior School

Junior School

By Craig Hingston At Pacific Hills Christian School, STEM is taught as a specialist area within the Junior School. The STEM Specialist Teacher, Mr Phil Swaisland, has always had a passion for this subject area and was excited to take on the role of specialist teacher this year. Mr Swaisland teaches using a collaborative approach […]

Northholm Grammar Achieves Excellence in the Pool

Northholm Grammar Achieves

At Northholm Grammar, we believe the physical and mental challenges of individual and team sports help students learn about themselves and develop real world skills including teamwork, persistence and resilience. The inclusive nature of our sports program promotes a positive attitude towards health and fitness and a love of physical activity for its own sake. […]

Hillside Champion School

Champion School

Once again Hillside is the Champion School on handicap at the recent Beecroft Zone Swimming Carnival. This is the fifth year in a row that our students have been so successful. On the day, our awesome swimmers were first in the Small School Relay finals. They then represented the school at the Sydney North Swimming […]

Galston Public School – Harmony Week Everyone Belongs

Harmony Week

More than half way through Term 1 and so much is happening. Harmony Day was celebrated recently. This is a special day where students recognise and show respect for everyone who calls Australia home, from the traditional owners of this land to those who have come from many countries around the world. To show support […]

Arcadia Playgroup and Phoenix the Butterfly Champion

Arcadia Playgroup

The Arcadia Playgroup runs every 2nd Thursday from 9.30-11am, during school terms, on school grounds at Arcadia Public School. It is affiliated with Playgroup NSW and deemed to be one of the best outdoor playgroups in the state! The playgroup is very well resourced with a beautifully renovated shed which stores a wide range of […]

Girl Power at Hills Grammar

Girl Power

Choosing to Challenge was the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day and remains a prominent notion for Hills Grammar as they announced the launch of their new program ‘Girls of Hills’. The program will connect female students via a junior-senior mentoring program. A key goal is student empowerment, with the girls being actively challenged […]