galston community news


Over the last couple of months we have looked at two simple but significant principles that wise and wealthy King Solomon discovered were important in enjoying a satisfying and meaningful life: (1) Enjoy the present, and (2) Enjoy people. The third principle he discovered is equally simple yet profound: Enjoy pleasure. The word pleasure can […]

Galston Uniting Church

Ladies Choir In August 2005, fourteen ladies came together at GUC to form a choir. The men’s choir had been singing together for some years and the ladies decided they would also like to worship in this way. Six of the ladies who turned up that night are still singing with the choir. You don’t […]

GOD’S SON LIVING IN OUR WORLD ( A message by Rev. Ed Long.)

When Jesus Christ came into our world, he still remained the Son of God. He could never hide that fact. ( read John 1:14-18 ). Famous people have sometimes tried to travel without letting others know who they are. But often they have been found out possibly by the things they did or said. When […]

Christian like Nanna’s Secret Recipe

We’ve been exploring what is a Christian, using the art of parable. Last couple of months we have spoken of a Christian as a shopping trolley, one that picks and chooses what aspects of faith they will accept, and those they’d prefer not to acknowledge. We spoke of clothing label Christians, try this one on […]

Supermarket Christianity

Many of us are used to having to do the weekly shop. Some are prepared with their shopping list, others (like me) tend to walk in and see what takes our fancy. Supermarkets love my type of shopper … offering all sorts of specials, bundles, eye line height promotions encouraging me to buy more. As […]

Glenorie Community Church

You’ve heard it said that if you want something done, ask a busy person. At the end of a full day, that busy person might say- ‘I’ve been busier than a thousand bees!’ Out of interest, I read a couple of articles about the honey bee hive. The bees must be hard workers- after all, […]

Still Creek Landcare

How healthy is your creek water? Want your creek water tested? Still Creek Landcare group checks the quality of the water in our local waterways. We do a variety of physical, chemical and biological testing every month in three creek places. This is part of the Streamwatch program, involving a couple of hundred people at […]


Guest Speaker – Susan Lewis – Pressed Flower Designs The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold their next meeting at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 10 November with plant sales commencing at 11am prior to the meeting. Access is via Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill with plenty of parking on […]

Galston Garden Club

With all the preparations for the October Open Gardens weekend, club members still found time for a couple of rambles. It was an early start as members boarded a bus to visit the Illawarra Grevillea Gardens. This proved to be a popular trip and filled up very quickly as members put their names down to […]

Australian Plants Society-North Shore Group

The final meeting for the year of the Australian Plants Society-North Shore group will meet Friday November 9th at 7-45 pm in the Willow Park Community Hall, 25 Edgeworth David Avenue, Hornsby. Guest speaker Olga Blacha will speak on “Bird-scaping Your Garden.” Olga has a Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture and Design, and is co […]