galston community news

Let’s stay secure…

Whether we are travelling or just staying at home security is something that we are always thinking about. Whether it be security of ourselves, our friends or our personal information, there are Apps available to assist. One of the biggest concerns for many of us is losing or having our iPhone, iPad or computer stolen. […]


Weekly Classes held on: Mon, Wed, Thurs from 7.30pm to 10.30pm Tues 9am, & Wed 10am all day | Sat 1pm to 3pm NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Invites you to join and enjoy the many activities the club promotes and teaches. Skill Acquisition Opportunities Our club run a number of classes, for minimal costs, where you […]

Gravely Areoreous

Continuing our exploration of cemeteries this month we look at trees found in and around the older cemeteries. We are defined by how we relate to and interact with plants, animals, other humans and this applies also to trees within our world. In the language of the cemetery, trees have specific meanings and superstitions attached […]

Glenorie Progress Association

Do you love where you live? Do you love the community and the beautiful environment we enjoy in the Glenorie area? Do you not want to see Glenorie swallowed up by Sydney’s urban sprawl? Would you like to see infrastructure in place before development? You can make a difference. Glenorie Progress Association exists to give […]

Masquerade Ball

Mario Rodrigues, Director Positive Vibes Foundation; Annette Czerkesow, General Manager of The Hills Private Hospital and Windsor Road Private Clinic; Coco the Positive Vibes mascot; Dr Padmini Howpage, founder of the Positive Vibes Foundation and Lionel D’Cruze from Ironfish

Lifting the mask from mental health is something that the Positive Vibes Foundation strives to do. It will be holding it’s fifth Moonlight Masquerade Ball in the Hills on October 12 in collaboration with major sponsor, the Windsor Road Private Clinic. The glittering event will be held at Bivianos in Dural and will feature former […]


Kids giving hearts From a fantastic break in Coonabarrabran, our children saw the devastation of the drought. Our 12 year old son, Sam brought this issue up with his Principal Mr Jarvis, he presented a Power Point presentation and raised $1900 through our lovely school, Galston Public school. We are so proud of him for […]


Three young men from local pioneering families trying to establish their own orchards amused themselves in the evenings by learning to play violin. Soon they were good enough to play at district events and earned a reputation as “fiddlers”. They were jokingly said to have come from “Fiddletown”. In 1899 a “Conditional Purchases” notice had […]

Greater shade at Crusaders Union Camp

I was pleased to help The Crusaders Union provide additional shade for their Galston campers with a Community Building Partnership grant of $10,000. The program assists community groups to make upgrades to their facilities, purchase equipment or provide essential repairs. The Crusaders Union is one of 15 community groups who have benefited from Community Building […]


Aussie Pumps’ Brad Farrugia with the famous Fire Chief and the comprehensive Bushfire Survival Guide.

Bushfire fighting services have joined with Aussie Pumps in warning farmers and home owners of an early bushfire season this summer! Fires have already occurred in many areas of New South Wales. Australian Pumps ‘Fire Ready’ program for 2018 is up and running to help people get prepared for what looks like a very dangerous […]

Galston Rural Fire Brigade News

Gorge tree removal Recently our firies attended to a tree down in the Gorge on the Galston side near the one-way bridge. Police were already on the scene upon arrival. Our chainsaw operator made quick work of the obstruction, clearing the road for waiting motorists. Successful recruitment day Thank you to everyone who came out […]