galston community news

Hills Opens its First Womens Shed

Thevan Krishna, Uma Menon (CMRC) Padmini and Daya Howpage (Positive Vibes Foundation) Hills Shire Mayor Michelle Byrne, Carmen Lalehzari (CMRC) and MP Mark Taylor

The Hills Women’s Shed was launched on 22nd February and is a great product of collaboration between several Hills organisations. There was a waiting list of people wanting to join the 120 guests at the launch at Castle Hill RSL on Thursday. The Hills Women’s Shed was the dream of Dr Padmini Howpage, founder of […]

Galston Girl Guide Hall – a Community Hall Available to Hire

Galston Girl Guide hall is hidden away at 414 Galston Road, Galston. Galston Guides recently received a grant from Bendigo Bank and were able to replace all the kitchen units, sink and flooring. Hirers have access to hot water, electric oven, microwave, kettle, fridge/ freezer, crockery and cutlery in the kitchen and plenty of chairs […]

Sportsperson of the Year Award

A special evening was held recently at the Dural Country Club when the Club’s winner of their Sportsperson of the Year for 2017 was announced. The Dural Country Club has various interclubs being Men’s and Women’s Lawn Bowls, Indoor Bowls, Men’s and Ladies Bocce and Fishing and each interclub nominates a member to participate in […]

Free Native Plants!

Once again, a generous donor has enabled Landcare to offer free local native plants to landowners who live in Hornsby Council’s rural area, or Hills Shire along Old Northern Road. We want the plants to go to people who are clearing privet or lantana or other weeds and who wish to revegetate with native plants. […]

Bowler of the Year

Local resident Natham Constable On Sunday 18th February 2018, Natham Constable was presented with the award of Bowler of the Year by the NSW TenPin Bowling Association (TBA) under the category of 2017 NSW State Award for An Athlete With A Disability. Natham had just completed his second weekend of bowling at Campbelltown City Bowl […]

Pilates – no pain / no gain

Let’s clarify some myths about having to be sore to get a good workout, or the ‘No Pain No Gain’ myth. Pilates is not a gym exercise workout. Pilates is not just about working the abdominals. And just because you don’t feel sore the day after a Pilates session doesn’t mean the workout hasn’t been […]

Salvation Army

This month we are saying goodbye to a much valued member of the Volunteer team in the Dural store. When Norma retired from the workforce in her late 60’s and experienced that “ empty nest” feeling, she decided to put something back into the community, and thus began a weekly contribution of time with the […]

Last Warning for Illegal Dumpers (Too Late for This Guy)

Hornsby Shire Council’s enhanced campaign against illegal dumping is already achieving results – and nobody knows it better than this criminal who received a $4,000 fine for his recent efforts at Cowan. He was caught dumping broken tiles and other rubbish thanks to one of the 17 new cameras that are hidden throughout the Shire. […]

Eastbend Report

First, apologies for the report that appeared in the February edition of this newsletter, I inadvertently sent one that was a year old. Here is the correct version – At the Eastbend Rural Communications AGM in November 2017 the following new Committee was elected: During 2017 Living Heritage continued to be successful in its mission […]

Friends of Fagan Park

Our Australia Day Open day was well supported by our volunteers, and special mention to our two blacksmiths and assistants who put on displays of their artistry. It was pretty hot day, so the public in the park tended to stay in their shady spots rather than venture up to see the Museums. Just the […]