galston community news

Twenty Years Valued Volunteering

Anton & Lyla Abood

At Arcadia we enjoy a priceless sense of ownership and pride in our school. Our beloved scripture teacher, Lyla Abood, has been teaching Catholic scripture at Arcadia School since 1997. Lyla adores the school and has many close connections with Arcadian families, having also taught a large number of Arcadian parents along the way! Lyla […]

KU Galston Preschool

The preschool mud kitchen has been a hive of activity recently with the children having a wonderful time making “wombat stew” and mud pies and quick sand. While using the mud kitchen the children are developing connections to the natural world while enjoying the benefits of shared play and learning to display awareness of and […]

Planets Align for Education Week

Thank you to Don Glendenning for your generosity in allowing our families to come together last week to view the night sky and all its attractions through your large telescopes. The rings of Saturn, the three Jupiter moons were spectacular to see! It’s so wonderful when our community comes together to enjoy special moments such […]

Hills Grammar News

The Year 11 Hills Grammar Presentation Ball was a wonderful evening of dining, dancing and a little pomp and ceremony. Held at Oatlands House (the venue of the very first Presentation Ball in 1985) parents, staff and the Year 11 students were treated to a formal evening officiated by past student Jacinta Hocking (Class of […]

Hillslife Church

How is it that the extraordinary became ordinary? That the supernatural became just natural? Last month we looked at the life of Jesus, he healed the sick, the blind, the lame, he rose people from the dead! He changed water to wine, he withered a fig tree through a word. Extraordinary! Yet, history hasn’t been […]

A Blessing in Disguise

In a bygone era, cotton was king in the Deep South of the United States. A typical example of the region’s agricultural economy was the district surrounding the town of Enterprise in the state of Alabama. All the farmers in this locality pinned their hopes and entire livelihoods on cotton; they invested their savings and […]

St Benedict’s News

Theresa Neely cutting cake

Sacramental Program Thirty-one young people from the parish received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 5th August. Congratulations to all and to the parishioners, families and visitors who supported them. Farewell to Theresa Sandra, our new Parish Secretary, is settling well into her new position but we were also pleased to be able to arrange […]

Glenorie Mission Church

What is your biggest difficulty as a Christian? Is it hardest to simply live for Christ day by day? Is your biggest problem witnessing for Christ? Are you living a defeated life instead of knowing victory in Christ? Do you realise that God the Father has given you the Holy Spirit to live in your […]

Starting “Right” with Bees

A lot of people are taking renewed interest in the possibility of keeping a hive of bees. There is a great deal of awareness of the fact that bees in different parts of the world are suffering setbacks from pesticides and disease problems, and also that there is a new way of keeping bees in […]

Bromeliad Spring Show

Spring is the perfect time to check out the varieties and colours available in the bromeliad world. This is the season, when many are displaying their very beautiful flower spikes and intense colour. The best place in Sydney to see hundreds of bromeliads on display is at the Bromeliad Society of Australia’s Spring Show being […]