galston community news

Georgia Says Hello to Adele

Local resident Georgia Rughetta, age 8, from South Maroota was very excited when her family decided to go to the Adele concert. They were lucky enough to get tickets quite close to the front. Georgia had made a big sign saying ‘I Love You Adele’ and had decided to buy Adele’s son, Angelo, a Smiggle […]

Arcadian Quilters Inc

Arcadian Quilters Inc have been involved in a quilting activity with the residents at Bupa Round Corner. Our aim was to promote hand work and enthusiasm to the Bupa group in making a quilt they could all share. Quilting fabric was precut and given to those who wanted to join in on making a group […]

What a Headache… What can Chiropractic care do for headache sufferers?

A large portion of the population suffers from headaches to varying degrees, yet a lot of people are not aware that Chiropractic treatment can help to successfully manage headaches. There are a number of different types of headaches from cluster headaches, migraines, tension headaches, to those associated with eye strain, hormones, sinus or impacted teeth […]

Be Ecowise when building your rural property

When buying property, with a view to building in a rural area with townwater, many buyers are unaware that they will need a wastewater management plan, along with a wastewater treatment system, to process household wastewater, as townwater means that there is no connection to the Sydney Water metropolitan sewerage system. Aerated Wastewater Systems are […]

Galston Honour Roll

There are 60 names engraved on the marble fixed to the imposing sandstone Cenotaph in Galston Recreation Reserve, a neat 15 on each side. The names represent men from the district whom voluntarily enlisted in the Australian Imperial Forces during the period 1914- 1918. There were two referendums attempting to force national conscription but both […]

The Friends of Fagan Park

ANZAC Day Rural Museums and Netherby Homestead Open Day. Tuesday 25 April 2017. Fagan Park, Galston. Commemorate this ANZAC Day on Tuesday 25 April at Fagan Park, Galston. The Heritage Area of Netherby Homestead and Rural Museums in Fagan Park will be open between 9am and 4pm. Fagan Park provides an insight into the remarkable […]

Shave for a Cure event at Rodney’s Hairstylist Galston

On Saturday March 18th locals came together to support other locals in Shaving for a Cure. Torie originally approached Rodney’s Hairdressing to ask if they would do her shave with a couple of friends in attendance, however, Cameron, Kylie and the rest of the team suggested making it a community event. Torie had initially targeted […]

Sewage Pumping Issues at Glenorie and Galston

During the recent rain events, residents at Galston and Glenorie were awoken at 4am in the morning, but a number of pump alarms. Residents continued to experience pump alarm problems for several hours. Sydney Water were called and attended to site to try and resolve the issues. We also understand that some residents did experience […]

Pastel Demonstration by Thanh Tam Cao Wednesday 3rd May

Tam is primarily a portrait and landscape artist who enjoys working in the mediums of oil, pastel, gouache and watercolour. Come and see him work his magic at Castle Hill Art Society’s monthly meetings 7.30pm at CASTLE GLEN COMMUNITY CENTRE, 155 Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill. Visitors welcome. Enquiries 9899 3179 www. castlehillartsociety.

State-of-the-Art Hospital for Sydney’s North

The northern Sydney community today gets its first look at the new design for the $200 million Stage 2 redevelopment of Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital featuring integrated, co-located health services. Minister for Health, Brad Hazzard and Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation and Member for Hornsby, Matt Kean, released the designs to the public before touring […]