galston community news

State-of-the-Art Hospital for Sydney’s North

The northern Sydney community today gets its first look at the new design for the $200 million Stage 2 redevelopment of Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital featuring integrated, co-located health services.

Minister for Health, Brad Hazzard and Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation and Member for Hornsby, Matt Kean, released the designs to the public before touring the new hospital site with Northern Sydney Local Health District Acting Chief Executive Lee Gregory and local clinicians.

“The new facility will include a refurbished and expanded Emergency Department and a new multi-storey Clinical Services Building. We’re investing in communities and their health, not just now but well into the future,” Mr Kean said. The Clinical Services Building will accommodate a Medical Assessment Unit, combined Intensive Care and High Dependency Unit, combined Coronary Care and Cardiac Investigations Unit, Ambulatory Care Centre, Transit Lounge, Inpatient Units and combined education space with the University of Sydney and retail space.

The project complements the $121 million Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital Redevelopment Stage 1, which saw the construction of the STAR building. The STAR building (Surgery, Theatres, Anaesthetics and Recovery) includes eight new operating theatres, a central sterilising service, surgical in-patient units, pathology services, kitchens and improved health information services.

Also planned for the site is a multi-storey carpark.

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