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Walk to School Day

Walk to School Safely Day, the Arcadian Way, is an experience like no other! There’s bagpipes and ponies, RFS trucks and puppies, bacon and egg breakfast rolls and milo! Life doesn’t get any better than this!

Local bagpiper, Rolfe Chrystal, leads the western procession of walkers every year from Meegen Gamson’s house, ensuring the sounds of Scotland the Brave can be heard echoing through the misty paddocks of Arcadia, as the children, parents and pets follow on. Local businesses along the way, including the staff of Cameron’s Nursery, wave from the roadside, like a guard of honour.

The eastern procession begins at the Arcadia RFS station, where children are invited to sit in a fire truck, try on the RFS uniforms and helmets, and pat the ponies as they gear up for the walk.

As the children make their way along the bush track to school, the Arcadia RFS trucks drive by with their sirens on! Many students bring their dogs along, some bring their cats, and others bring their reptiles! It’s an all-pet affair! The equestrian children, some as young as 5, make their way to school on horseback.

And waiting for the happy walkers at school, a canteen full of parent volunteers serves up bacon and egg rolls and milo for breakfast!

Walk to School Safely Day is a wonderful annual community event at Arcadia Public School. It is just one of the many unique experiences on offer at our beautiful school. Once again proving our motto to be true – Small School – Big Opportunities!

To book a tour of the school, contact school principal, Nicole Pattison, on 96531207.

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Walk to School DayWalk to School Walk to School Walk to School