galston community news

Galston Public School News

Students at Galston Public School are now once again on their way to an exciting and busy Term 2.

At an ANZAC commemoration service held by the Hills District RSL Chapter at the Galston Club, our student captains and vice-captain (Holly, Aiden and Elijah ) represented the students of Galston Public School by laying a wreath in memory of our fallen soldiers.

Many of our students from the local cubs, scouts and girl guides were also well represented. A very moving ANZAC service for the whole school was held in the school hall.

Public SchoolStudents, teachers and families enjoyed some fabulous Autumn weather at the yearly Cross Country Carnival, held on the school grounds. Huge congratulations to all of our race winners and placegetters, with some fierce competition amongst the age groups.

Equally impressive was how our students participated, enjoying the opportunity to exercise and feel the achievement of simply running the distance. The sportsmanship displayed was impressive as our house leaders and all students cheered and supported each other.

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2022 are now being taken. If you or anyone you know has children enrolling in Kindergarten in 2022, we are currently accepting enrolment inquiries, applications and completed enrolment forms.

Your assistance in this matter helps our planning for next year. If you are aware of a family in the area with a child enrolling in Kindergarten next year, please ask them to contact the school office. Or if you or families you know are unsure if you are in the GPS drawing area, please enquire at the school office or check your address using the school finder link:

If you would like to know more about our vibrant school, please contact the school office (9653 2062), and all your questions will be happily answered.

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