galston community news

Uniting Care Galston Early Learning Centre

The month of March has been inspiring, productive and motivating for the team here at Galston Early Learning! We have had great opportunities to connect with our outer community through many different events including an excursion to the Fagan Park Eco Garden, a working bee with our families and a visit from Mrs Crouch from Arcadia Public School.

Our visit to Fagan Park was planned from the children’s interest while they were working on our vegetable garden at our centre. Through their re-occurring discussions on our outdoor play space, we decided to plan a tour with Paul Udy at the Eco Garden at Fagan Park. This visit allowed the children to explore different parts of the garden and use some aspects of the Eco Garden to inspire us to work on our own garden back at the centre. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Paul Udy for sharing his agricultural knowledge with the children and Rev. Geoff Smith for driving the bus to and from Fagan Park.

Later on in the month we organised a working bee to work on our physical environment. We had so many families and educators who gave up their Saturday morning to help us with the renewing of the sand for our sandpit, weeding the gardens, sorting out our library and fixing elements of our indoor environment. Thank you to all the families and educators who came to help and I would like to make a special mention to ‘Langlands Landscape Supplies’ for providing us with one of their trucks to use as well as ‘Eric Tender Meats’ for donating the sausages for our sausage sizzle. Last week Mrs Crouch the kindergarten teacher from Arcadia Public School came to visit our preschool children. She enjoyed meeting the children and shared some information in regards to the school environment. Mrs Crouch also read a story called “Annie’s Chair” and then encouraged the children to participate in a colouring exercise that linked to the story. Thank you for the visit Mrs Crouch and we hope to continue to connect with Arcadia Public School in the upcoming months.

Collaborating with our local community has been a strong focus for the start of 2017. On behalf of all the team here at Galston we would like to thank all who have been involved in the growth of our centre and your time and efforts were greatly appreciated.

If you would like to come and have a look at the centre or ask any questions regarding our Educational Program please feel free to contact the Centre Director Daniela Balmer on 9653 1475.