galston community news

Parsley and Sweet Peas

Unbelievable downpours of rain have recently buffeted our little house on the hill. Gumboots have become essential wear for paddling across knee-high, grassy fields . These mornings begin for me with a quick paddle down to the chicken pen … nibbling and sniffing herbs en route. Recent rainy weather has produced a plethora of dark-green […]

Galston Community Health Centre

CALLING ALL SENIORS. . . come along and meet new friends, have some fun and laughter with others, enjoy some good conversation whilst enjoying a nice relaxing morning tea or lunch. Our groups meet every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. If you require help to get to the groups, we may be able to provide transport […]

Galston Equestrian Club – Amazing April!

Well, the weather has certainly been having a lovely time with our scheduled events! First the blistering heat forced us to postpone our show jumping clinic with Keira Burns to 4th March, along with most of our first Légèreté clinic. Then the rains came – much needed for our dry and cracking paddocks, thank goodness, […]

Role models at Arcadia Pony Club – Our Associates

Pony club is all about providing young riders with the opportunity to learn the skills of riding and general horsemanship and compete at state, national and international events. Many people aren’t aware that pony club is open to young adults up to the age of 25. Our ‘associate’ members are those aged from 17 to […]

Team Marian Shaves Against Blood Cancer

On Friday 17 March, Marian Catholic College Kenthurst was brave and shaved – for the Leukaemia Foundation’s “World’s Greatest Shave” campaign. Both staff and students were challenged to either shave or cut their hair to raise funds for the battle against blood cancer – and come shave day, there were sixteen students and two staff […]

Northholm’s Agriculture Show Teams Expand!

This year, Northholm will be heading to the Castle Hill Show and Royal Easter Show with their new Dorper Show Team. Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Alan Waldon of Top Deck Dorpers, Northholm is the proud owner of two rams and two ewes. The Dorper is a South African breed of domestic sheep developed […]

Galston Public School

A colourful Easter hat parade, a visit from a very happy and energetic ‘Easter Bunny’ and a delicious morning tea of hot cross buns under the school’s beautiful leafy trees was an especially fitting end for Term 1. Galston Public School students have much to be proud of. Their efforts have ensured a wonderful and […]

News from Galston High School

Galston High School Leadership Camp This month the Galston High School leadership teams ventured to Vision Valley Recreation Centre for their annual leadership camp. For three days the Prefects, Student Representative Council and House Leaders worked together to develop their leadership skills, develop school and house spirit and plan events for 2017. Lions Youth of […]

Hillside Public School

At Hillside Public School, every Year 6 student is a school leader, which ensures our students are confident and well prepared for high school and beyond. Recently all our senior students enjoyed the experience of attending the Halogen Young Leaders Day at the new ICC at Darling Harbour. Here they were able to hear from […]

Off on a Bear Hunt with Glenorie Pre-School

“We’re going on a bear hunt, We’re going to catch a big one, What a beautiful day, We’re not scared” The children of Glenorie Pre-School have shown a strong interest in the popular children’s book “We’re going on a bear hunt” retold by Michael Rosen They have demonstrated their various learning styles by the way […]