galston community news

News From History Cottage


By Michael Bell

Last month the Society invited representatives of longtime resident families to help in a survey of local history.

What a revelation their combined knowledge gave to local history! “Uncle Bob built that”, “That’s where the General lived”, “Remember the plane crash at eleven o’clock”. And so it went on as they remembered events, places and people, that make our community unique. They were eager to make sure this history is passed down to future owners and generations.

Because this knowledge is fast being lost to us, Hornsby Shire Council is updating its heritage records for the whole shire. It is a huge task when the size of the Shire is considered. It is the same for your Historical Society and here is its plea, “Come join us”. Age, Covid and the pace of modern life, make it difficult to devote time to what may seem an indulgence.

If a community is proud of itself and its members are proud of themselves, then maybe all can work together to solve many of the problems revealed over the past two and a half years; solved within the community using its own initiative. How often has it been heard, “How lucky you are to live where you do!”

In May we heard Ken Bradley’s interesting and well researched story of, the Bevan Brothers of Bevans Road, who contributed much to our community.

On 11th June at 2.00pm we again accept the kind hospitality of the Uniting Church Galston, School Rd Galston when, with a change of flavour, we hear Stuart Read speak on Colonial Wine Production.

Enquiries 9653 1365

survey of local history
