
Bromeliad Society of Australia

Bromeliad Society Of Australia

The next meeting of the Bromeliad Society of Australia will be on Saturday, 11th June at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, Showground Road, Castle Hill off Doran Drive. Bromeliad sales at 10am and the meeting commencing at 12noon. Our special guests will be Greg and Narelle Aizlewood, growers and hybridizers of many wonderful plants. […]

Hidden in the Hills Hairpin Banksia

Hairpin Banksia

This month’s featured plant can be found in flowers from March to September. The Hairpin Banksia (Banksia spinulosa) is a common banksia, not only in bushland areas but also in many suburban gardens. It can be found growing in coastal bushland areas along much of the South-Eastern coast of Australia. It prefers a sunny but […]

Galston District Garden Club

Galston District Garden Club

The Galston District Garden Club are on a “roll” enjoying our third meeting this year with visitors, new members and existing members coming together to enjoy the guest speakers, the trading table of plants which just amazes me each month, and of course the commerardy and conversation over a cuppa at the end of the […]

Still Creek Landcare – Free Local Native Plants

Native Plants

“Trees for Weeds” is on again in 2022! We’re proud to announce our Trees for Weeds program is on again for 2022. For each year since 2018 we’ve run programs to distribute free local providence native plants to the community in and around the Still Creek Catchment. So if you’re in need of some Native […]

News From History Cottage

survey of local history

DURAL AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY INC By Michael Bell Last month the Society invited representatives of longtime resident families to help in a survey of local history. What a revelation their combined knowledge gave to local history! “Uncle Bob built that”, “That’s where the General lived”, “Remember the plane crash at eleven o’clock”. And so […]