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James Wallace MP

Seniors Playwriting Competition Opens for Entries “Scenes From the Sage Age” To Showcase Older Writers

A new playwriting competition – exclusively for Australians aged 60 and older – has announced it is open for entries.

Scenes from the Sage Age is a not-for-profit project of Scene Theatre Sydney. The brainchild of prolific septuagenarian Sydney writer Carol Dance, the competition seeks new short plays for showcasing the creativity of people in their senior years.

Shortlisted pieces will be presented at a soiree-style reading, accompanied by pianist and composer Philip Eames with a new work created for this event – at a prestigious Walsh Bay venue!

Dance has written and directed more than a dozen short and full-length plays – many under the banner of her own production company Scene Theatre Sydney. Her work has been produced at various Australian theatres and in festivals such as Short+Sweet, both here and overseas.

To be considered, plays submitted must be 15-20 minutes in length but can be on any topic. They could be “about international affairs, dating, shoehorns, bagpipes… or anything!” according to Carol.

“Comedy is always good, but serious or controversial plays that can also raise a laugh are better than merely hilarious skits. Good short plays – like long ones – have a beginning, a middle and an end. Plus characters we care about.

“But above all, I say: have a go… even if you’ve never written anything before!”

Assessing the entries are renowned Australian playwrights Stephen Sewell, Justin Fleming and Catherine Zimdahl.

True to its aim of unearthing new talent of the ‘sage age’, the competition is only open to non-professional writers, actors or directors and entries close on December 15. Writers must be Australian citizens, permanent residents or Aussies living abroad. They must be 60 at the date of entry, but their plays may have been written before or after turning 60.

A play reading of selected scripts will also be uploaded to Scene Theatre’s YouTube channel.

Details and entry form:

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