galston community news

Rural Round Up

The April meeting saw a return to our former faceto- face Council meetings held within the Council Chambers. Although the electronic meetings helped us get through the COVID19 restrictions it was great to get back to a robust in-person environment with the public once again joining the gallery.

Important issues were resolved for the rural area as we navigate our way through elements of the Rural Land review. Council resolved the following:

• Secondary dwellings previously restricted to 60sq/m or 33% of the primary dwelling on rural lands, now have a new standard applied. The new area is to be 120 sq/m, (plus garaging), or 33% of the primary dwelling.

• To maintain long term funding provisions for the Galston Public Domain improvement project

• To exhibit the 2021/22 delivery program including the operational plan, budget, fees and charges.

• To put on exhibition the master plan for Hornsby Park, (Quarry) and Westleigh Park, (former Sydney Water site). Including proposals for changes to the mountain bike trails

Other updates include:
• The Wisemans Ferry boat ramp and associated car park upgrade is under way

• I’m advised that the Galston Aquatic Centre roof replacement and general upgrade should commence in the first half of the next financial year.

• Letters will soon go out to a number of rural residents impacted by the RFS review of current vegetation mapping. Some properties will be removed from the list of “at risk” properties and some have been added as the RFS seek to improve the accuracy of vegetation type and density within the ward

• The roll out of the Shire’s new gateway signage has also commenced

And as always I am happy to assist with any issues that may come up. Contact me on Phone 0499 004 861 or email [email protected]


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