galston community news

Ruddock Endorses Tilbury for Mayor

Community Recycling Centre to Temporarily Pause Collection of Hard and Soft PlasticsHornsby Mayor Cr Hon Philip Ruddock AO has today endorsed his Deputy Mayor Cr Nathan Tilbury for election as an independent candidate Mayor of Hornsby.

Nathan is the outstanding Councillor who has the integrity, trust and experience to provide the first-class stewardship of Hornsby Shire as its next Mayor. Born, raised and living in our Shire, he has been enormously popular within his own Ward since 2012.

With teenage daughters attending a local high school, he understands the aspirations of young people and their families for living in neighbourhoods that more than meet expectations for sporting and passive recreation, importantly for preserving our beautiful bush and tree canopies. Nathan is also deeply steeped in the history of Hornsby and is a published author. Like me, the Shire of Hornsby is in his DNA.

This local government election will determine whether Hornsby Shire is given a pro- development Council or a Council that delivers the right balance between appropriate development, maintenance of our rural areas and the preservation of our natural environment.

We have an unfinished journey and it’s our solemn duty to the listen to the diverse voices of the people of Hornsby Shire and address their shared concerns about sustainability, heritage and growth to achieve positive outcomes for the whole community.

Unfairly Nathan has been collateral damage when property developers and senior local Liberals rolled me. He makes a significant commitment to preserving our amenity and to ensuring that sectional interests do not rule our Council, as we enter what is likely to be the most important local government election in generations.

Nathan will bring fresh energy for the task ahead and is the generational change that some have suggested was needed.

I also support Cr Dr Verity Greenwood in her quest to be returned in C Ward.

Ruby Webber