galston community news

Rural Roundup: Local Government Election

road maintenance Warren Waddell NSW NewsAugust is the last full month of my council term prior to the September 14th Local Government election.

It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have now spent two terms representing the Shire of Hornsby and in particular, the A ward residents.

I am humbled by the faith this community has placed in me to undertake this role and the confidence expressed by many in my prospects for the future.

The year spent serving as Deputy Mayor was another special opportunity. I thank my Council piers for electing me to that position.

The rural area of Hornsby Shire required more direct representation and I hope that I have effectively provided that. I believe by being an accessible conduit for residents and businesses to the Council administration, better outcomes have been achieved. I am proud to part of a team that delivered on a range of rural initiatives such as:

  • Upgrades to park facilities – Identifying and installing new footpath links
  • Upgrade of Galston Aquatic Centre – Refurbishment of our memorials and cenotaphs
  • New boat ramps and parking facilities – Sustainable environmental initiatives
  • Installation of outdoor gym equipment
  • Streamlined pile burn procedures
  • Rural Land Study – Galston Village public domain plan
  • Activated an Economic development and Tourism strategy
  • Scheduled verge slashing and drainage maintenance
  • Identified new bus stop locations
  • Implemented rural road safety features
  • Ensured that the monitoring of on-site wastewater did not attract extra rates

For the duration of the term, I am happy to assist with any other enquiries. [email protected] Ph: 0499 004 861
