galston community news

Glenorie Progress Association


Join the GPA and be part of the team keeping a close eye on all things Glenorie.

The GPA continued to operate as usual through the ‘festive’ season. Our meetings are now conducted in a combined way – face-2-face for those who can make it to Glenorie RSL plus our hook up via Zoom. That makes it is even easier for you to join us at our next meeting, either from the comfort of your home or enjoying a fabulous meal and great company at the RSL. Glenorie still has had no recorded Covid-19 cases (yay!) and Glenorie RSL is maintaining the mandatory safety regime.

GPA Membership – you can join online at

As we are lucky enough to live on the doorstep of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, we have the privilege of living with a special population of koalas. Recent research has found that koalas in these areas have the most genetically diverse population in Australia. This makes them important for conservation of the species as a whole. These areas support an outstanding diversity of eucalypt species and so koalas have a wide choice of habitat. Koalas mostly eat eucalypt leaves BUT they use other trees for rest and shelter.

Did you know?
Koalas can rest and sleep for up to 20 hours per day Koala habitats in the Sydney basin are increasingly threatened with ongoing human development pressure.

Dr Michelle Ryan from Western Sydney University and Environmental Studies Student Serene White are currently working out local sites for further koala study. This will include habitat assessment, scat searching, temperature logging, vegetation assessments, soil fertility, setting up song meters and wildlife cameras. A pilot study based on GIS habitat suitability mapping where primary koala habitat has been identified will be undertaken at Glenorie.

This project hopefully will result in further knowledge regarding the health and population size of the Koalas in the Hills and Hornsby Council areas.

Recent exciting news is that a koala has been photographed at Brooklyn. Apparently, this is the first recorded sighting in 50 years.

Dr Michelle Ryan has also organised an eDNA study of Cattai and Little Cattai Creeks which was undertaken in the latter part of 2020 with volunteers from Cattai Hills Environment Network and the Glenorie Environment Centre.

It is wonderful news that as a result of this study platypus have been identified from both creek systems. The platypus data will be entered into BioNET.

Both the Koala Project and the Platypus Study are highlighting the importance of the wonderful natural areas in the Hills and Hornsby Areas.

Of course, it goes without saying that we should all know where our pets are at all times, day or night, so they do not endanger our native animals. Koalas will walk on the ground to move between trees so all dogs and cats are potentially dangerous to our special wildlife unless kept under control.

FENCES – ONE IN PARTICULAR… THE RAY WHITEMAN HERITAGE FENCE Background work for the Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence in the Wal Buckingham Gardens is still in progress. David De-Fina, Landscape Co-ordinator and Zoe at Hornsby Shire Council have developed the cohesive plan linking the cenotaph to the Glenorie Memorial Hall via the new heritage fence in one flowing design respecting the sacred area for ANZAC and beautifying the landscape. Keep your eyes open for a call for community/ business sponsorship of the fence to supplement the funds promised from grants. Robyn Preston in her capacity as our State MP has promised a discretionary grant of $10,000 on top of the $20,000 provided in the Community Building Partnership Grant towards the fence. But we need more…. as this fence will be paying tribute to Ray and the heritage of our area, it will be of benefit to all our community.

The GPA has resolved to lobby The Hills Shire Council (THSC) and Transport for NSW (formerly RMS) for a lowering of the 80kph speed limit to 70 kph on Cattai Ridge Road. Please note, this does NOT mean that the ‘S’ bends limit of 60kph will be raised. THSC is planning road mediation works for Halcrows Road intersection but it is the general feeling that this will not suffice to lower our accident rate on this dangerous, windy road.

If you support this initiative please feel free to add your voice to this lobby by contacting THSC Traffic Management team on [email protected]

GPA MEETINGS Our next GM will be held at 7pm Thursday 11 February, 2021. If you would like to attend, join up online or contact us at [email protected]

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