galston community news

Parsley and Sweet Peas

Unbelievable downpours of rain have recently buffeted our little house on the hill. Gumboots have become essential wear for paddling across knee-high, grassy fields . These mornings begin for me with a quick paddle down to the chicken pen … nibbling and sniffing herbs en route.

Recent rainy weather has produced a plethora of dark-green parsley rosettes and has surged ahead to “favourite herb” status. Parsley varieties, especially the flat Italian, or the mild, triple-curled Parsley, have self-sown indiscriminately. The cleansing taste of plain leaf parsley can easily become an essential start to each day … simply, nibble as you go and delight in an enjoyable vitamin C lift and its remarkable flavour. Curly parsley has a milder flavor and is a smaller plant … but, both varieties of parsley are biennial and their mild stimulating taste provokes a wonderful addition…or is it addiction … to my herb garden .

This morning, the Little Wattlebirds are swerving and twisting excitedly through the towering Gingko tree, whose leaves are shaped like delightfully enlarged “maidenhair fern” leaves. The birds noisily guard their feeding territory here today with harsh, raucous calls as they feast on the magnificent flush of orange Tacoma blossoms.

Our thoughts now turn to another garden chore. Traditionally St. Patrick’s Day,17th March, is the time to plant sweet peas in a sunny plot of earth, however, dear Mollie, proclaims with some authority, that Anzac Day, 25th April is sometimes a better choice in Aussie Land. To prevent disagreement, Mollie always plants peas on both days to achieve a truly bountiful, sweet pea-filled, summer garden.