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News From History Cottage

The June meeting’s guest speaker, Doug Philpott, gave members an understanding of the wonderful work of the Historic Aircraft Restoration Society (HARS) museum at Albion Park. Their collection is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence and is a must see for aircraft enthusiasts and an ideal place for a family outing.

When fire destroyed the Galston High library the Historical Society offered to assist in the rebuilding of the research material. The Society library has a large collection of local history books, projects kindly donated by past students, microfiche and Colonial records. In the near future the School will assess what will be made available.

Many readers will remember the late, Mr. Tom Richmond OAM, former history teacher at Galston High. His enthusiastic methods introduced many students to the joy of local history study. As would be expected, he accumulated a considerable library, this he left in the care of a friend to be used to the best advantage.

It is hoped that the combination of the Society’s records and Mr Richmond’s generosity, will soon be available for history students, perpetuating his love and commitment to local history.

In line with the obvious interest in local people and places the guest speaker for the 8th July meeting will be historian and lifetime resident of Kenthurst, Mal Johnston. His topic “The Way We Were” will give us an insight into how life was in the days when Kenthurst was a scattered community of small farms. He and his wife, Jenny, are well known for their creation of Boongala Native Gardens.

The June Roughley Memorial Lecture will be held in the Arcadia Community Hall, Arcadia Road, Arcadia on the 12th August at 2.00pm. The guest speaker is Mr John Brock, who has internationally presented papers on his profession of surveyor and others from his wide interests in history and Egyptology.

MEETINGS: 8th July – Uniting Church, School Rd Galston at 2.00pm Mal Johnston. 12 August – Arcadia Community Hall, Arcadia Rd. at 2.00 Kosciuszko and Strzelecki, The Mountain and the Men. Free with a gold coin donation for afternoon tea. For enquiries phone: 9653 1365
