Galston club
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The Probus Club of The Hills Inc

On Friday 24th February our group of 42 embarked on our first Mystery Trip for the year.

Leaving from Kellyville we proceeded along the M7 arriving in Berrima. There we enjoyed a guided tour of the Berrima Court House, a highlight of which was “the Treachury, Treasons and Murder “presentation in the Grand Court Room.

Following lunch we called into the Berkelouw Book Barn at the Bendooley Estate in Berrima. Here we were delighted exploring the great selection of rare antiquarian books and artifacts. These day trips are very popular with the next one scheduled for June.

In the meantime we not only still have vacancies in our club but are looking for extra golfers and snooker players. We meet at the Galston Club on the second Wednesday each month (except January) at 10am for 10.30 am

Enquiries Bob Heyward 0427 360 389 or Ken Smith 0413 309 573.
