galston community news

Kenthurst Rotary Club Update

Playground Completion – Update
We are pleased to confirm that the order has been sent for to new Shade Cloth area in the John Benyon, Kenthurst Rotary Park Playground, We would like to thank the local community, State, Federal and Hills Shire Council who all helped with the funding of the playground area.

Work is always ongoing in the Rotary Park and if you would like to become a sponsor, please contact our Club President (details below)

Western Sydney Model United Nations Assembly (WS MUNA 2023)
We are please to confirm that we a sponsoring 2 teams from Hills Grammar and are conferring with 2 other local high schools to attend this event. MUNA is an annual event that is part of an International Rotary project to educate senior high school students on the United Nations organisation and its vital commitment to world peace, in addition to health, education and living standards around the world. The event provides an excellent forum for students to develop and practice their public speaking skills whilst debating on topical world issues.

Interact Japan visit to Kenthurst
In conjunction with our sister club Toyama Mirai based in Japan, the Kenthurst Rotary Club and friends, played host to 18 high school students and 4 adults from 23rd March to 27th March.

They got to see life in Kenthurst as well as numerous attractions around NSW. Thanks to all who helped in putting this event together and hosting our guests, especially Paul Rapp and the organizing committee.

Bunnings BBQ
We are running monthly BBQs at Bunnings in Dural. If you see us, please come over and have a chat and sausage sizzle (with or without onion).

Kenthurst Public School
Fireworks Spectacular
On the 1st of April will attended the Kenthurst Public School Fireworks Spectacular event. Fashion Parade A huge call out to Kenthurst Rotary Board Member Terese Wilson who was a driving force behind The Hills Women’s Shed Fashion Parade on the 10th of March at Castle Hill RSL. A fantastic event for an excellent cause.

ANZAC day at John Benyon Rotary Park. 8:30am Tuesday 25th April
• March along Nelson Road, meet at Ampol (Kenthurst) 8:15 am
• We are awaiting confirmation of a flyover by RAAF Aircraft
• A Commander from RAAF Richmond will be the keynote speaker
• Local School student participation

New Members Welcome
New members are most welcome and necessary to build and sustain our club.

Please consider joining, make new friends and share in this wonderful and unique community spirt, that is “Kenthurst Rotary”.

Kenthurst Rotary supports local schools and many local charities. The very existence and continued support of our annual major events in the main are: Australia Day Celebration, The Spring Fair, ANZAC Day and Christmas Carols as well as the ongoing management of the John Benyon Rotary Park.

Inquires are most welcome: our club meetings are at the Atrium, The Australian Brewery, 350 Annangrove Road, Rouse Hill. Monday evening at 6:30pm for 7pm. (Except the first Monday of each month). Please come and join us.

For more information please phone Club President – Chris Gaskin on 0414 903 185.
