galston community news

Making A Difference for Seniors in the Community

Do you want to make a difference in your local community? Have you considered volunteering to visit older people living near you?

Catholic Healthcare is seeking volunteers to join its Community Visitors Scheme (CVS), a national program aimed to enrich the quality of life of seniors living at home and in residential aged care homes.

Volunteers are matched with residents by Catholic Healthcare’s CVS Coordinator, who also provides training and support for volunteers in understanding the needs of the client or resident.

Volunteers commit to visiting their Home Care client or resident for an hour at least once a fortnight. Visits are spent doing something both the volunteer and the resident/client enjoy – reading, listening to music, chatting, watching a favourite TV program, or going for a walk or an outing.

“I’ve got so many things out of volunteering,” says Brie-Elle who visits Home Care client Jane every Saturday.

“Primarily I’ve got a friendship which is very special. I’ve also learnt so much from Jane, she’s had a whole life’s experience more than me so it’s great to see what she has learnt in her life.”

Client Bonnie has welcomed the technology help provided by volunteer Stephen.

“I was finding myself falling behind,” says Bonnie. “Stephen came into my life and I’ve been able to overcome my fear of technology.”

Catholic Healthcare is funded by the CVS program to provide volunteers to residential aged care homes and Home Care clients in Northern Sydney.

MacKillop House, Catholic Healthcare’s new Residential Aged Care Home, located at 2 Firewheel Place, near MacKillop Drive, will be opening to residents in November. If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a volunteer here or would like to visit a local senior living at home please call 1800 225 474 or visit the Catholic Healthcare website –

For more information about the magnificent new home or to book a private tour, please call us on 1300 169 949 or visit the website: