galston community news

Local Practice Receives The Mark of Quality as an Accredited Practice

Glenorie increased its community health credentials when Glenorie District Medical Centre received a national award of accreditation, demonstrating its commitment to quality and safety within its practice.

Glenorie District Medical Centre received this important recognition from Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL). Accreditation shows the practice makes a significant investment and commitment to quality on a day-to-day basis, across all levels of the practice team. Achieving accreditation is a major achievement and a clear demonstration that Glenorie District Medical Centre is striving to improve their level of care to both patients and the community.

Areas of focus during an onsite assessment for accreditation include: ensuring vaccines are within their use-by-date and stored at the correct temperatures, that the practice equipment is clean and sterile, practice staff are up-to-date with their training, and the practice has emergency care available. Everyone at the practice plays a valuable role in working to meet the RACGP Standards. It gives staff a real sense of pride to work in an accredited practice. We want community members, nationwide to know that their wellbeing is our priority. By choosing to attend an accredited practice, patients know they will get quality and safe care that meets the RACGP Standards.

Glenorie District Medical Centre is located at 920b Old Northern Rd, Glenorie and offers a range of services including Pathology, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Psychology. Contact: 96521663