galston community news

Local Koala Population Growing

There have been at least two more reports from residents of Koala sightings. One on Bay Road Arcadia near Mulawa Horse Stud and the other along Moores Road in Glenorie.

The fact that these sightings have occurred, and from the noise recordings being undertaken by Western Sydney University, means we clearly have a growing population.

So as residents we need to educate ourselves about Koalas and how to keep them safe and help their colonies grow. Much was learnt at the recent Koala Community Day in May at Glenorie Memorial Hall, but here is some more information.

Breeding Season – September to February. Koalas live in complex social groups. The males have a home range of up to 1km x 1000- 400m, and 43 hectares in area. During mating season residents may witness more sightings as the males move around to mate. A typical home range for each koala is pictured on page 4. The home range of each animal fits together like a jigsaw. This illustrates that the habitat supporting this Koala population is ideal for its survival. However, if the available habitat were to be reduced in any way, the potential for survival of each individual would also be reduced. So please be mindful if removing trees.

Some Koalas have been found dead along Old Northern Road, having been hit by cars. Unfortunately they tend to be noctural and have no road sense. So when driving through Glenorie and towards Wisemans Ferry, please watch out for them crossing the road. The GPA is lobbying Council for some road signage.

If you have dogs, please keep them fenced in at night. Dog bites can be fatal as even if the initial bite is only minor. Bacteria and infection from the bite can eventually kill the Koala.

If you see a Koala, please do not touch it, but if you have time please take a photo record it on the Ushahidi mobile app. Why not download this now, ready for your first sighting.

If you see an injured Koala please call Jo Hebden 0418 478 902 or Sydney Wildlife on 02 9413 4300

Dr. Michelle Ryan from Western Sydney University is also looking for reports of Koalas, so you can also email her if you see any, hear any or see their scats (see image), Her email is [email protected]

George's Garden Maintenance