galston community news

Neighborhood Watch Report

For those residents not on facebook (or who have little time to check in), here is an update on what has been reported.

8TH AUGUST | Thursday
Suspicious man reported in Glenorie and surrounding areas. He was acting strangely and did enter a number of properties, which frightened those living there. After being approached by a number of concerned residents who tried to help him. It appeared that he was ‘confused’ and possibly suffering a mental illness. Police were called a number of times but unfortunately didn’t have available staff to respond immediately.

14 – 15TH AUGUST Wednesday – Thursday
Drone stopped over property around 8.30am in Maroota. Resident also spotted a black/charchoal Mazda 3. Shed had been broken into. Due to location, break in reported to Wisemans Ferry and Windsor Police. Police attended to fingerprint property.

15TH AUGUST | Thursday
Resident on Cliftonville Road, Maroota spotted a white Hilux on their property at 8am. By the time resident got outside, the car had driven off. Got a partial number plate and reported to police.

First 2 weeks of August, there was one reported break and enter at Galston Aquatic Centre with the male being caught arrested and charged. There was one break, enter and steal at Glenorie Public School where several laptops were stolen. Police are continuing to investigate this incident.

Bike stolen from Hornsby, it is very distinctive. Call owner Matt on 0409 796 955 if you see it anywhere.

Please join our Neighbourhood Watch Facebook group, You can post to this group using the visitor’s post option.

How to report Crime:
Triple 000 for emergencies or life threatening situations. Police Assistance line 131 444 for non-emergencies. Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 to provide crime information

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