galston community news

Let’s colour-in without the sharpener!

There is however, a number of apps that give you the option of colouring without the pencils or paper and with, as much enjoyment. I am not particularly creative so I am currently really enjoying the app Happy Color. Best used on your Tablet or iPad this app presents you with beautiful drawings that you then colour by number.

The colour with numbers are listed at the bottom. Very easy to do and relaxing. You tap on a number and colour, and the spots are highlighted on the picture.

There are also apps which are great for children and educational at the same time.

There are over 2 million apps available. These are just a few that I have found throughout the years of helping people with their Apple devices and computers.

If you are struggling to understand your Apple device, please give me a call and we can discuss One on One sessions. Debbie on Mob: 0418 296 217 or email: [email protected]

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