
‘Learning Through Scholarship’ at Northholm Grammar

At the heart of every great school is a culture that promotes learning and excellence.

Cultivating a powerful culture of learning that encourages intellectual rigour, independent thinking and highly valuing both academic study and achievement is central to a high performing School. We want our students to be challenged and to develop a love of learning so they can harness the intellectual habits that will allow them to be independent and confident.

‘Learning through Scholarship’ seeks to create an environment where every learner is valued so that each student can reach their full potential in pursing their passions and interests.

Learning Through Scholarship

We know that education is more than grades, but by one’s influence on the world, the willingness and ability to learn, to lead and to serve are what enable a life to be both welllived and worthwhile.

In achieving a culture of scholarship, our staff have embraced a framework on ‘Responsive Teaching’ that highlights the key features of classroom practice that have been linked to improved student outcomes which include professional practice that is:

  • Fundamentally based on promoting high expectations of intellectual rigour
  • Soundly based on explicit teaching creating a quality learning environment
  • Informed by data through a coherent structure of formative assessment and deliberate practice
  • Based on effective feedback for continuous improvement
  • Supportive of teachers to build strong positive relationships with students

Northholm Grammar is driven by a deep belief that every student is capable of successful learning. A high priority is given to building and maintaining positive and caring relationships between staff, students and parents. There is a strong collegial culture of mutual trust and support among teachers and school leaders.

Northholm Grammar works to maintain a learning environment that is safe, respectful, tolerant, inclusive and that promotes intellectual rigour. This is at the heart of our focus on scholarship.

Academic, Music and All-Rounder Scholarship applications are currently open for students entering Year 5, Year 7 and Year 11 in 2023.

For more information we invite you to visit our website or contact our Head of Enrolments on 9659 2000 to discuss your child’s application in more detail.


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