galston community news

Learn-to-ride bike tracks ready for use

The last two learn-to-ride bike tracks in The Hills have recently opened.

One track is located at Crestwood Reserve in Baulkham Hills and the other is based at Centenary of ANZAC Reserve in Castle Hill.

The tracks are designed to teach young riders road rules in a safe and fun environment.

Mayor of The Hills Shire, Dr Michelle Byrne said the tracks incorporate everything you would expect to see while riding your bike along local streets, including pedestrian crossings, stop signs and roundabouts.

“As a mother of two young kids who are learning how to ride their own bikes, the new learn-to-ride tracks provide the perfect place to teach them how to ride their bikes safely,” Mayor Byrne said.

“My daughters, Maddison and Alexis, just love the tracks and I’m so happy to see so many families making use of these wonderful community assets.

“I’m so proud of the work this Council is doing to provide familyfriendly facilities that can be used by all residents for generations to come,” Mayor Byrne added.

The other two learn-to-ride tracks are located at Coolong Reserve in Castle Hill and Twickenham Avenue Reserve in North Kellyville.