Galston Village Pharmacy

The variety of insects that can be found in a bushland environment is quite amazing. However, it does take a considerably sharp eye, coupled with much patience to be able to get close enough to many of them – the larger ones in particular.

Most visible insects do not stay very long in the same spot which makes it difficult to observe them closely. Even to get a clear photograph of an insect can be a challenge. Sudden movement can cause them to take to the air without warning.

Some of the really small ones become evident only after a photograph of a flower has been downloaded to a computer and that flower has been enlarged. The small size of these creatures is amazing. So too can be their colouration which in some cases can match the colour in the flower.

Most are masters at disguising themselves to look like their surroundings. Some look like sticks (that move), while others with almost transparent wings are hard to discern when on a leaf or tree trunk.

Not all flying insects are pests as they do have a role to play in maintaining a balance in the environment. Some are a food source for both birds and reptiles whilst others are in the transition stage of their reproduction cycle.

In gravelly areas it is possible to come across a nest of red Bull Ants which may be around 20 to 25 mm in length. These ants have been observed launching themselves towards any source of disturbance at their nest site.

If you are an early morning bushwalker it may be advisable for you to keep a sharp eye out where the track may be narrow enough for bushland spiders to construct their web between closely growing trees and bushes.

Next month will be about some aspect related to bushland birdlife as October is Bird Month with the Backyard Bird Count being held during the 19th to the 25th of the month. For more information enter this web address into your browser —

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