galston community news

Hornsby Shire the State’s Top Phone Recycler – Again!

The residents of Hornsby Shire have again been named New South Wales’ top mobile phone recyclers at the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly held in Canberra on Tuesday, 22 June 2021.

The MobileMuster awards acknowledge those councils which have collected the most mobile phone components for recycling between 1 May 2020 and 30 April 2021.

Hornsby Shire residents deposited 500 kilograms (half a tonne!) of old phones and phone components to the national MobileMuster recycling drive over the 12 months.

Hornsby Shire Mayor Philip Ruddock said he was delighted by the result.

“This second award is a great testament to our community’s commitment to the environment and their willingness to take positive steps that benefit all of us,” Mayor Ruddock said.

“I would like to personally thank all those who supported this valuable initiative by taking part in the MobileMuster.

“Residents recycled the equivalent of 6,730 handsets and batteries through our Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre during the MobileMuster.”

The MobileMuster program recovers 99 per cent of the material from old phones and accessories, which are then used in the manufacturing of new products, reducing the need for virgin materials such as aluminium, copper, gold, silver, cobalt and lithium.

“All the metal, glass and plastic in your mobile phone can be used again,” Mayor Ruddock said.

The phones were collected at Hornsby Shire Council’s Community Recycling Centre in Thornleigh, which assists 17,000 residents with waste issues and gathers around 120 tonnes of electronic waste each year. MobileMuster manager Spyro Kalos congratulated the Hornsby Shire community on its achievement.

“We would like to acknowledge all of our council partners who help us educate the community and recycle through the program,” Mr Kalos said.

“We know that electronic waste, such as mobile phones, shouldn’t be placed in curbside garbage or recycling bins, and we need to make it easy for the community to recycle safely and securely through accredited government programs like MobileMuster.”

To find your nearest MobileMuster collection point, visit

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