galston community news

Retirement Village and Resort Expo coming to Castle Hill

If you could change anything about your lifestyle what would it be? Would you like more security? More freedom? More fun? Would you like to incorporate more activity into your life? Do you wish there were more facilities like gyms, pools and cafes within walking distance of your home or more people your own age close by?

Retirement villages and resorts offer all these benefits and many more.

They provide a safe and secure environment where you can enjoy a rewarding lifestyle in the company of people who share your history and values. There are more than 3000 retirement communities throughout Australia.

To help you with your research, visit the Hills District Retirement Village & Resort Expo, being held on Sunday 25th and Monday 26th July at the Castle Hill RSL from 10am to 3pm both days. Retirement Village

Admission is free. The many different organisations will be in separate booths so visitors can wander through at their leisure, gathering information and asking any questions they may have regarding retirement living. This event will feature the finest communities across an array of styles, locations and price points to suit every budget.

You can engage directly with staff to get a true sense of what life is like at their community and what it can offer you. This event is a co-vid safe event. Visitors will be required to sign in to the club on entry.

For more information go to

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Mr. Mend