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Home Care – Who Will Be Visiting Me at Home?

This is a question that we are often asked at Just Better Care.

You’ve organised to have in-home care support. You’re told it will make a difference and help you to stay living at home independently.

Your next concern is ‘Who will come? What will they be like? Who are they?’ Most of the advertising you have seen has pictures of attractive women with sweet older ladies, having a cup of tea together or walking in a pretty garden.

At Just Better Care Hills District, we have a team of people with varied interests and backgrounds.

One of our team, Robert, has an interesting story. He initially worked for a bank, then was moved into their computer department; when the bank outsourced this, he trained as a computer programmer and began working in software development. At the age of 50, Robert was retrenched.

This was a life-changing moment for Robert. He had fond memories of visiting his aunt in an Aged Care Facility and remembered her telling him that he was eminently suitable to work in that industry.

So, Robert decided to invest his time in re-skilling for a career in the Aged Care Industry. With his qualification gained, he commenced working, providing in-home support.

The people Robert supports appreciate his enthusiasm and warm nature; his IT skills are a bonus as he assists people to use their computers to keep in touch with family and friends; his maturity and wisdom make him a great conversationalist.

His life skills are in demand – one of the people he supports is keen to go camping, with Robert there to support him.

In-home support is more that just having your house cleaned or having assistance to have a shower. It is about how you like to live your life, even to help you achieve your dreams. With the right support anything is possible!

So, if you are interested in having someone like Robert support you at home, or if you would like a career like Robert’s, please give us a call at Just Better Care on 9484 8788.

Home Care